All Harmony Development Center service staff are Masters level clinicians supervised by licensed staff in consultation with a Certified Addiction Professional (CAP).
Homework assistance and Tutoring:
Assist with concerns in order to facilitate academic success
Nutritional Resources:
Resources will be provided to ensure proper nutrition for the youth.
Youth will learn and practice relaxation techniques to include meditation, deep breathing, self- expression in words, drawings, and movement.
This program works with at-promise youth and their families.
HDC links youth and families to the necessary services identified through the thorough intake and assessment process. During the intake process, several assessments are utilized to identify the unique needs of each participant. Every youth develops an individualized plan to ensure that they are working toward the necessary goals conducive to successful outcomes.
Since its inception, HDC has stayed true its mission of “Empowering youth and families to thrive as productive, peaceful members of our community.”
Services Provided:
Case Management Services
Individual Therapy
Family Therapy
Group counseling
Substance Abuse
Delinquency Education
Prevention Education to
Youth and Parents
After school and summer programming
Cultural Arts and Enrichment Activities:
Provide opportunities for youth to experience and appreciate cultural arts, including the visual and performing arts, music, and literature.